The Firefly and Serenity Database
Planet information
Sun orbited




Date terraformed



12,026 km


5.339x1021 tonnes


1.0029 gn

Orbital position

15th from primary

Orbital distance

1,922,332,630 km (12.850 AU)

Orbital periods

46.06 years
16,825 days



Cities and towns

New Dunsmuir (capital)
New Huntsville




Union of Allied Planets


A city on Beaumonde.

Earth That Was Kentucky Bourbon

Old Earth Style Kentucky Bourbon

Beaumonde is the fifteenth planet of the Kalidasa system, orbiting the sun Kalidasa. P/2031(Kalidasa)16 was discovered in 2031.

The heavily industrialized planet is the manufacturing hub of the system. Its cities are surrounded by factories that produce everything from computer parts to ceramic coffee mugs. Some of the factories are owned by Blue Sun Corporation, though there are rumors that a few of these are not really factories at all or, if they are, that they're turning out something other than canned beans. Security is tight at all Blue Sun plants, so no one is able to get inside one of these buildings to find out. Or least if they did, they never got back out to tell the tale.


Due to the high industrial output, pollution is a problem. Beaumonde's cities are covered in a perpetual haze. Weather control systems processed the worst of the pollution, but the science-minded believed the long-term effects may be more difficult to take care of. Every year more pollutants find their way into the water and the soil, causing many problems for those who live off the land. Some people move their homes and businesses underground to escape the air pollution.

In the countryside, the air quality is better than in the cities, and farmers and ranchers manage to make a good living. There is also a thriving spaceport on Beaumonde, much like the more famous port of Persephone.

New Dunsmuir was the capital of Beaumonde. The city was the only one on the planet that had no factories. Located on an ocean, New Dunsmuir was a popular tourist destination. Many wealthy factory owners made their homes here, as did those who work in the tourist industry. New Dunsmuir was a beautiful city with avenues of trees and carefully maintained flower gardens.

The city of New Huntsville on Beaumonde is the location of the Earth-That-Was Distillery. Among their products is the famous Old Earth Style Kentucky Bourbon, a specialty known throughout the 'Verse.


  • The name means "beautiful world" in French, and was used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Britain to denote high society, the elite and their playgrounds. It bordered on the "demi-monde", the "half-world" in which courtesans and criminals were to be found.


