The Firefly and Serenity Database



Behind the Scenes

Mandarin Translation

(Special thanks to

  • "Course they won't discover it till they go order their next round of drinks." "Wei! [Hey!]" "Good drinker, that one." - Mal, interjected by Wright, the slaver he has just robbed.
  • "I'll see you soon, bao bei [sweetheart]." - Atherton to Inara.
  • "He's a quality gent. Nose in the air like he never wen guo pi [smelled a fart]." - Badger, speaking of Sir Warrick Harrow.
  • "I'm placing value in the fact that stick up your pi gu [bottom] is about as large as the one Harrow's got." - Badger, to Mal.
  • "Lao peng you, ni kan qi lai hen you jing shen. [You're looking wonderful, old friend.]" - Inara, to an elderly gentlemen at the ball.
  • "You belong here, Inara, not on that flying piece of gou shi [dog crap]... What, piece of gou shi? But it is a piece of gou shi!" - Atherton.
  • "Oh, gou shi [dog crap]!" - Inara, when she sees Mal arrive at the ball.
  • "Oh, xie xie [thank you], Captain!" - Kaylee, when Mal allows her to head to the buffet.
  • "You ought to see to your girl." "Shen me? [What?]" - Kaylee responds incredulously to Banning's statement.
  • "Cai bu shi. [No way.] The extenders ain't braced." - Kaylee, about the 80-04.
  • "This yu ben de [stupid] duel is the result of the rules of your society, not mine!" - Mal to Inara.

Database Entries

Cabott; Courtland, William; cow; Dester; grape; Harrow, Warrick; Holder; Kaytree Pond; mango; Miller, Banning; Miss Persephone pangeant; Mumsen, Cyrus; Murphy; Persephone; pool; Porter; Roberta; Santho; strawberry; Titan; Wing, Atherton; Wright
