The Firefly and Serenity Database
The Firefly and Serenity Database

Heya! This is the first blog post on the Firefly and Serenity Database, and the first of the administrative blogs. The administrative blog will be used to keep you all up to date on any site changes, whether it be new features, policies, or even upcoming releases related to Firefly and Serenity.

To start off, let's go through some of the recent changes to the Wiki:

  • We've recently had our first three Featured Articles! They are the planet Ariel, the mechanic Joe Henderson, and the Anglo-Sino Alliance starship the I.A.V. Dortmunder. Please read them and let us know what you think!
  • We have a new monobook skin now. For those of you who use monobook by default, you should find it a little easier on the eye than the old one. If you want to compare the two skins, compare the Main Page in monaco and monobook. If you have any ideas for skin designs, please feel free to let the community know in our Forums or contact one of our helpful administrators :-).
  • A lot of new policy pages have been put in place, please check them out here and make sure our articles abide by them.

A special note, in the past month we have grown from around 310 articles to 388 articles, with our total number of pages growing from 1,209 to 1,569. This a great growth rate for the site and hopefully we'll only see it increase from here. If you would like some of the articles and pages currently being worked on, check out the Recent Changes. Browse through Wanted Pages to see which articles we most need! Or just click on any article and see if you can improve it. Please stay and help out!
